Everybody Wham Wham is a story-driven, winter adventure where you compete to build the best snowman. Build, decorate and sabotage your way to the festival grand prize! 

10 DAYS OF SNOWMAN-BUILDING COMPETITIONThree competitors go head-to-head in an exciting snowman-building match! Roll your snowballs and decorate your snowman within the time limit, but don’t forget to match the criteria. Impress the jury and you just might score a perfect 10. MAKE SOME NEW FRIENDSHang out and chat with a cast of zany characters like Koenraad the runaway ice cream cone and Bentworth the wooden snowman! Join Piggy and Snailmn at karaoke night, drink a cup of coco with Rudy the washed up reindeer, and join the Pumpkin Prince for a campfire song. UNCOVER THE HIDDEN TRUTH BEHIND THE FESTIVALWham Wham the Snowman-man is hiding something from the contestants. Will he get away with it? Will Bling Bling find out what's going on? Or will his guilt eat him alive? Experience first hand how this mystery unfolds during the festival. 
TUNE IN TO THE WHAM WHAM RADIOListen to over 30 minutes of radio content including amazing acts like the Monotone-Singing Fly Man, Tuba Guy, Frank the Frankly Weatherman, the Monk Who Took a Vow of Silence, and The One Woman Opera About the Birth of Life and What's Beyond. OVER 60 DIFFERENT DECORATIONSEvery day of competition has a different theme! Whether it's fantasy, pirate, futuristic or spooky, you'll have all sorts of wacky hats, eyes, noses, mouths and scarves to choose from. GAIN ACCESS TO THE IGLOO FOR WINNERSThe festival may not be about winning, but if you don't win you can't enter the Igloo for Winners, which is only for winners. |